Source Counts and Integrated Galaxy Light
HST Results
In preparation.
Cross-reference with SDSS
While HST images allow for a robust assessment of the number density of faint objects, their small fields of view limit SKYSURF's ability to constrain the abundance of bright objects. In addition to Poisson uncertainty (each ACS or WFC3 field of view has approximately 0.3 objects brighter than 20 magnitude per FOV; Driver et al. 2016), the number counts of bright and faint objects will be affected by cosmic variance (each FOV has a cosmic variance error of ~30% out to z = 1; Driver & Robotham 2010). Thus, to provide context for the measurement of the faint galaxy number density resulting from SKYSURF, we here provide a measurement of the bright object number density in the subset of SKYSURF fields within the SDSS footprint. Please refer to Bhatia et al. 2024 for more details.
SDSS-SKYSURF Source Catalogs
We provide SDSS-SKYSURF catalogs for 28 filters, both in units of jankys and in units of AB-mag. Each catalog contains all SDSS sources brighter than 22.5 ABmag associated with at least one SKYSURF pointing. Download the SDSS-SKYSURF source catalogs can be downloaded by clicking the appropriate catalog below.
Column Definitions for SDSS-SKYSURF Catalogs
SDSS-SKYSURF Integrated Galaxy Light Catalogs
We also provide the total bright-end integrated galaxy light (IGL) for every SKYSURF image, based on SDSS source counts. Download the SDSS-SKYSURF IGL catalogs by clicking the appropriate catalog below.
Column Definitions for SDSS-SKYSURF Catalogs